Forward looking research

  • Demographics + new tech will profoundly disrupt RIAs

    "The RIA In 2030" explores how accelerating technological changes and shifting demographics are poised to transform the wealth management industry.

    This report examines the diverging investment mindsets between the older and younger wealthy populations, particularly their openness to fintech innovations. It analyzes the potential for technology and demographic trends to drastically reshape or even dismantle segments of the industry.

    The research offers a thorough, data-driven look at what might seem like futuristic scenarios but are indeed emerging realities.

  • AI will impact all businesses. But which ones the most?

    "Sector Zero" investigates the impact of artificial intelligence on the economy by analyzing data patterns, identifying industries likely to grow and those at risk of automation.

    The report examines how AI is changing economic and industry dynamics, focusing on the potential disruptions and their timelines. It highlights emerging trends and shifts in global economic power, emphasizing the complexity of adapting to an AI-driven market.

    The conclusion offers a straightforward view of the opportunities and challenges presented by AI in economic transformation.


  • Generally 15,000 words. We don’t don’t stuff our reports with stock photos or fancy design elements. We think 1000 words is worth more than a picture.

  • Upon ordering, you receive a PDF. Later that day you receive a link to an audiobook version. And a thank you note.

  • $95 includes the PDF and audiobook. If you site license for your firm the cost is $295, no matter the size of the firm.

    Printed copies may be ordered in bulk. Simply contact us.

  • We can’t stop you. Use your best judgment.